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Fully automated turnkey brewery solutions for the perfect brew

Brewtique have been providing expert advice and proven equipment to the Australian and Pacific markets for over 18 years.

From small craft brewery solutions through to large scale production facilities, Brewtique has the right solution for every output requirement and budget. Having an experienced team who have worked in large scale commercial breweries through to being involved in small craft brewery start-ups we understand our customers’ needs and requirements.


Our Solutions

With decades of brewery experience, whether it is a new start-up, a major upgrade or a commercial scale operation, Brewtique has a perfect brewery solution for your needs.

Our Master Series offers premium designed and engineered brewhouses featuring Brewtique’s automation solution powered by Fermecraft.

Designed by our own master brewer and manufactured by NDL Craft, the Master Series combines years of brewing expertise and experience with precision manufacturing techniques.

Ranging in size from 20hL to 50hL the Master Series offers a range of automation options from basic valve on/off solution through to recipe driven fully automated brewhouse featuring Fermecraft’s state of the art automation solution.


Our Signature Series brew houses offer unrivaled quality and value for money in today’s competitive brewing arena.

Made under the supervision of brewtique’s own master brewer, a simplified range of sizes and configurations allows a rapid and highly cost effective solution.

Designed and manufactured in conjunction with our strategic partner NDL Craft and ranging in size from 5hL to 25hL, our Signature Series Brewhouses are a complete solution. As well as all the brewing vessels and tanks, we will provide you with a detailed brewery layout and include all heating, refrigeration, pumps, valves, pipework and controls. A genuine turnkey solution.